Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Going Back To Work

After a little setback from an infected incision, the wound is finally better! I stayed at home yesterday but managed to get a lot done on the computer!

Little Doggy Nightengale couldn't be happier that I'm actually going in to the office today as she needs to catch up on her beauty sleep! As I type this, she is by my side on the kitchen floor... One eye on me and one eye on the pesky squirrels outside who keep taunting her!

Nibbles (our parrot) is happily munching away on his breakfast and being quiet for a change.... He has been bugging me a lot. When I go upstairs, he yells, "Mom.... MOM!" and I think it's one of the kids... If I come downstairs, he innocently says, "oh, hello" or "hi little fella, how are ya?"

Jordan has been great at cooking and keeping me company. He's been hard at work networking the house and getting lots of TV shows and movies. Amanda has been shopping, running errands and also cooking.... All this and finishing Grade 12! Little Superwoman! Jonah is hard at work with exams and final papers and presentations due... He moves out of Guelph the end of April for good and graduates in August! Time flies! Can't wait to have him home!

So, a few more sips of coffee and I'll be off to work! Now it's business as usual! This is good!

Thanks to you all for your car and van loads of food, gifts, flowers and warm wishes! I appreciate it so much!

xoxo Melissa/Missy


  1. Great to hear you are going back to work. Enjoy your day and keep an eye on your calendar. Let's pick a date soon.
    With love,

  2. Back to work?? You are amazing!!

  3. Shery and Howard Rosenstein22 March 2011 at 20:18


    So sorry to hear about the infection, but glad things are now moving forward. You are in our hearts and we want you to know how much we are thinking of you!!!!
    S & H

  4. THINKING POSITIVE HAS ALWAYS WORKED FOR ME...Remember the car accident where i was not supposed to have lived or walked again!!! Well I fooled them all. Besides ONLY THE VERY GOOD DIE YOUNG!!! You are catching up to me... Look at your kids ages. The kids are growing up faster and faster these days...
    By the way***Don't let Jordan near fish... he is dangerous around that. Your infection will be gone soon. Modern medicine will prevail.I want you to know how much I love you and your family. Kiss them all for me... Roz Splitter
