Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Patient Status - Wednesday March 16, 2011

Our patient had a long shluffy and is eating and up and about.  Amanda brought home lots of soup and it is slowly being consumed.  Missy is quite sore under the armpit but the pain is  manageable. 

The phone is off the hook.  Please don't call.  Emails and comments on the blog are appreciated.

Lacy the dog is carefully guarding the patient.


  1. Jane Aronovitch16 March 2011 at 05:45

    Good girl Lacy!! Good girl Missy!

  2. Thinking of you!

  3. Hi Melissa;
    If your arm is hurting that must surely be the pits (had to do it -- it is genetic!)!
    I am glad to know you are up and about a little...that is good news!
    And I am also glad to know that Lacey is taking her job as nursemaid seriously. So should you. Rest and get well quickly. Lots of love,
