Wednesday, 16 March 2011

How the heck do you post comments on this blog?

A few friends and relatives have written to me explaining that they are having problems leaving comments on the blog.  Here are some simple instructions:

1.  Click on the comments.
2.  In the "Post a Comment" section there is a box to type in your text.
3.  Comment as:  Name/URL - you don't need to leave a URL but type your name in the Name section
4.  Hit post.
5.  It will ask you to type in a funny looking word. 
     (This is to prevent computer programs from doing this automatically).
6.  Type in the word they show you and then hit post.


  1. Darling Melissa ... I have "hung Back" not from apathy to your situation, but from empathy to mine. I know all to well what you are going through and my heart and love are by your side. Unfortunately, you can draw on too many people in our family to ask for guidance ... but if you were to ask me, I would tell you that you are well equipped with the most important ingredients of this dastardly disease ... determination, a positive attitude, keeping focused, moving on with your life ... and my most favorite song "I WILL SURVIVE"! I love you and look forward to reading your blogs. Doreen xxx

  2. Dear Melissa: So glad you went home right away! The blog was a wonderful idea; it's obvious that doggie is doing an exemplary job. Hope Jonah's exam went okay. Laurie told me that you are already bored and she showed me all the cool things her new phone can do. Hope you will be more comfortable in short order. Lisa xxoo

  3. Melissa, am so happy to hear of your progress. I know things are not quite as cheery as you make them sound, but the attitude will put you in the "fast track" to health. Wish I could be there to help, but I, along with Ed and the entire Taras Clan, send our sloppy kisses and tight bear hugs.
    Know that we are rooting for you every day.
    Your dedicated, loyal, #1 fans {OK ... maybe your #2 fans :)}
    Doreen and her entire dream team. xoxoxoxxo

  4. Good Morning, Melissa, from not so sunny Southern California!
    Just want you to know I will be keeping my fingers, toes, eyes, and anything else I can cross for tomorrow's appointment. Hope you received my e-mail with Ian's input and mine. Wishing you well.
    Much love and affection ... Doreen xxx

  5. Sayang xxx ... Aku telah " menutup Kembali " tidak dari apatis dengan situasi Anda , tapi dari empati ke tambang . Aku tahu semua untuk baik apa yang akan melalui dan hati dan cinta saya di sisi Anda . Sayangnya , Anda dapat menarik terlalu banyak orang dalam keluarga kami untuk meminta bimbingan ... tapi jika Anda bertanya kepada saya , saya akan memberitahu Anda bahwa Anda dilengkapi dengan bahan yang paling penting dari ini penyakit pengecut ... tekad , sikap positif , menjaga fokus , bergerak dengan hidup Anda ... dan lagu paling favorit saya " saya AKAN BERTAHAN " ! Aku mencintaimu dan berharap untuk membaca blog Anda Doreen xxx
