Friday, 18 March 2011

Patient Status - Friday March 18, 2011

Our patient is still quite sore but it seems to be a question of positioning. As long as she doesn't apply pressure against her underarm, she is ok.  Missy is eating breakfast on the couch in the den as she surfs the net with her iPhone.  Lacy the dog is bringing her kibble into the den (one piece at a time) and is joining Missy for breakfast.  It's amazing how dogs sense that something isn't right.
Once the pathology results arrive at the end of the month, we will have a clearer idea regarding next steps. 
I am going to shut up for a while and let Missy maintain her blog as she is feeling better. 
Thank you all for your support and for sending email instead of phoning.

1 comment:

  1. Jane Aronovitch18 March 2011 at 10:16

    All sounds good. And yes our pets do know when something is wrong. They are wonderful beings.

    Meantime, please take care of yourself Melissa and give your body the chance it needs to heal.

    Lots of love
